5 office design hacks that can make a big difference

The recruitment market is more competitive than ever before. This means that you need every advantage you can get to attract the top talent that you’re looking for. A number of factors will help with this such as salary and benefits, but one area that some people overlook is their office design. Your office design will help to attract new staff and inspire your team to be more productive too!

So what can you do to improve your workplace design? Use the five hacks that we’ll outline in this post!

1. Quiet spaces

Some will say that an open workplace is the best. Others will say that a closed and private space is better. The truth is that it’s actually something in the middle. Collaborative spaces for hot desking are important, but you also need quiet areas for when your employees need to focus and get through their work in peace. Having designated quiet zones can help you to offer this to your employees and boost the productivity of your business too!

2. Natural light

Allowing more natural light into your office will help to boost the mood of your staff, make your workplace more aesthetically appealing, and help you to save on your overhead bills. If you can’t increase the amount of natural light that comes into your office, choose bulbs that mimic natural light. These will have similar effects to natural light without having to change to face of your building.

3. Standing Desks

Standing desks are great for your employee’s health. They offer relief for back pain, increase the ergonomics of your space, and can help to boost productivity. It’s proven that staff who feel cared for by their employers extend this care back to their employer, so it pays to invest in them!

4. Add some colour

White walls and white desks are boring and uninspiring. If possible, try to introduce some colour into your workplace. This could be on the walls, floors, or even with the furniture that you choose! If you don’t know what colours to choose, your company brand colours are a great place to start.

5. Get professional help

If you don’t know where to start with your office design, get the help of a facilities management company. They can not only help to keep your office clean and secure, but they can assist with your office design needs too.

Wrapping up

To ensure that your office design is up to date, follow the tips that we’ve outlined in this guide. Good luck and don’t be afraid to get creative!